Speaking of the little guy...here he is all decked in in birthday gear!
I think he likes it!
He had so much fun playing with all of his friends and new toys!
Here he is with his "smash" cake. I made a small apple (never could get the icing to turn very red) so that he could have his own special cake. He wasn't too sure about it. He ate the fondant leaf and then just barely picked at the icing.

He didn't care for the fact that I took his hand and smashed the cake for him...I think he takes after his daddy. Doesn't like to have his hands dirty from food...
Speaking of food...we had tons of it! Because the book is all about food, the party was all about food, too!
The masterpiece of the table was the cake, though. My sister-in-law, Catrina, and I made it. Well, to be more accurate, she made it and I helped/watched. It turned out better than I imagined!

We used the book as a guest book. It'll be a nice keepsake for Ian when he's older.
For decorations we made different colored tissue balls (to mimic the dots in the book) and hung them in the dining room. I used a friend's Silhouette machine to make the banner (thanks, Jen!).
We also had other caterpillar themed decorations throughout the house...
The favors were lollipop bushes and cupcakes full of gummy bears.
All in all, I think the party was a huge success! Ian had a blast and I hope everyone that came out and helped us celebrate did, too! All the planning and work was worth it - and despite saying I'd never do it again. I would. Ian deserves the best I have to offer...just maybe on a smaller scale next time!
I can't believe my little caterpillar turned one today. I knew the day would come. I furiously planned his party for months. But still, for some reason this week it hit me. My little baby isn't a baby anymore. He's a little guy full of personality (the main trait being INDEPENDENT). The older he gets the more adventurous he becomes and the less he needs me. Part of me enjoys watching him figure things out on his own and the other part of me is sad that my baby is growing up.
I'm the oldest of five kids so I've had a LOT of experience with kids. I know babies are a lot of work and a lot of fun, but I never realized how, as a parent, you could instantly love someone so completely, so quickly. I love Ian so unconditionally and so deeply - it makes me think of our Heavenly Father and His love for us. It is so much greater than my love for Ian.
I'm so proud to be Ian's mommy. As much as I want him to stay my baby forever, I also can't wait to see him grow up into the man he is meant to be. He is special. Yeah, I know, every parent says that, but he is SPECIAL. He is the happiest, most loving, sweetest kid around. Motherhood is, quite simply, the best.