There are sooooo many strollers out there these days. Tandem, side-by-side, and the relatively new in-line. From what I can tell, a double stroller will cost you anywhere from about $275-$1000+. That's quite a swing and a very hefty price tag.
After my initial preliminary research I had pretty much made up my mind that I wanted a side by side - and a Baby Jogger at that (pricey - but not $1000+). That is, until, I was asking stroller advice from my mommy friend Dawn, who just had her third baby. She ended up selling her Bob Dualie and buying a Phil and Teds inline stroller. I really hadn't heard much about the inline strollers so I was intrigued. I especially liked the idea that most of them can be converted back into a single stroller and therefore eliminating the need for me to store my current stroller until Ian is too independent to need the "help" of a stroller.
Taking into account my kids will be 20 months apart, the price of a new stroller, the the functionality of and options available on the stroller, and, of course, the countless hours researching and reading reviews, I finally decided. (I have to admit this decision process began shortly after I found out I was pregnant in mid-September and has continued up until a few weeks ago.)
Drum roll please....
The Britax B-Ready!!!
I love the fourteen different configurations that you can use. I love that it is a single and a double. I love that is relatively light weight (for a double). I love that when we tested it out in the store my 18-month-old loved it and didn't want to get out. I love many other of the small features that Britax really thought through (no-rethread harness, large canopy, huge storage basket, etc).
The thing I didn't love? The tires. My current single stroller has all-terrain air-filled tires. I love them. They make for an excellent smooth ride. Britax, however, must have read my mind. I was set to make my purchase after my baby shower at the beginning of March, but decided to hold off for just a couple more days (hoping and praying Britax would announce their Free Ride event). In that time period, Britax announced that the 2012 model they would be releasing at the end of April would have new and improved wheels. Yay! I think Brett thought I was crazy for being so excited over a press release talking about wheels on tires, but, hey, that's what mamas get excited about. Strollers.
You know what has this mom even more excited?!?! The chance to WIN it! is an amazing resource for mom's and mommy-to-bes. They do video and blog reviews of all the cool baby stuff out there and for the next couple of weeks are giving away some awesome prizes. Today's giveaway happens to be my dream stroller (check it out here:
Sigh. Here's to praying!
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