Saturday, May 28, 2011

Welcome I have missed writing. It's funny. I never thought those would ever leave my mouth, or be in print.

As my mother could tell you, getting me to write in high school was one of our biggest battles. I distinctly remember my senior year of high school fearing college because I thought I would flunk out because I couldn't write. That all changed, though, when I joined the college newspaper my freshman year. Weird, you say. Yes. But I'm so glad I did. Writing and I developed a great relationship over those next couple of years. Hence the reason for this blog.

Many of you might be wondering about the meaning of my title, An obsessional life. Well, that's me in a nutshell. I obsess. Over everything. When I became pregnant I spent countless hours researching each and every baby product to determine which brand of pacifier would be best, or which diaper pail would stink less, get the picture.

Mostly this blog is about me. My personal time away from the chaos of my life. Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. I LOVE my life. I am married to my best friend, have the most beautiful and well natured son, a wonderful family, and the perfect work scenario (I work from home while my son naps). It's wonderful to be me - I just sometimes miss me. In my former life before kids, my personal/creative time came in the form of cooking, but having an eight-month-old has definitely put a kink into that. I still love to cook, but I rarely have time to be as adventurous as I'd like. We don't eat at 10:30 at night, so now my free time will be spent sharing my little obsessions.

I cannot say that this blog will change anyone's life, or provide any sort of expertise in an area. It will, however, allow me to share my little obsessions. Maybe someone, somewhere can relate.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I would love to read what you have to say! Keep writing! XOXO
