Tuesday, August 30, 2011

There's a new sheriff in town!

There's a new sheriff in town...and his name is Ian.
I bought Ian a halloween costume last week...a cute little sheriff's outfit. We didn't try on the whole outfit, but we did manage to catch a few shots of the hat before he ripped it off and threw it on the floor.
Such a cute little booger. Wish he'd leave his hats on like he used to when he was a baby <sigh>. He should still be my baby, but alas, he has told me he is all grown up now. He even thinks he can take stairs in a single bound like the super heroes...what's a mama to do?

He for some reason left his hat on longer when it was on backwards...silly boy.
Oh, and yes...he normally does wear clothes...we had spaghetti for dinner and I really didn't feel like trying to get out marinara stains. I've learned that lesson the hard way. Oh, and not from him, from my own messiness. Hard to believe. I know.

Family is a wondeful thing...

I have to say that I consider myself one of the luckiest people I know. Actually scratch that, blessed. I am very blessed. Why? Because I have the most wonderful family. I'm not just talking about my husband, son, mom, dad, brothers, sister, in-laws, etc. Nope. I'm talking about my aunts, uncles, and sixth cousins twice removed.

You see, I've been blessed with a very large extended family. A family where sixth cousins twice removed are just as close as siblings.

I was so excited to introduce Ian to all of them a couple of weeks ago. We did it in phases...first at the wedding where my dad's immediate family flew in. The second phase took place the following weekend in Kentucky at our annual family reunion. We had almost 80 people who attended. A good portion of them all stayed at Aunt Wanda and Uncle Bill's house (us included). Here's a picture with Ian and his Great Great Aunt Wanda and Uncle Bill...

Ian had so much fun meeting all of his family. He was especially taken with Great Uncle Jeff...I think we have decided that Uncle Jeff is the favorite "Great" Uncle because Uncle Stewie wanted to retain his favorite Uncle title.
I can't remember the last time he fell asleep in someone's arms...he must really love his Uncle Jeff.

I can't begin to describe how wonderful it is to have such a loving and supportive extended family. I feel so blessed and loved and I miss each of them every day.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Water play

Ian LOVES the water. All forms of it.


Notice the mohawk...haha

and this...

and he even likes the shower now. The boy loves him some water. We'll have to try and get to the pool a few more times before it closes for the summer.

Thank goodness for...

Portable DVD players (thank you Dawn for letting us borrow yours!) and All-Natural Cheetoh's.

We took our first road trip the first week of August and Ian survived (and so did mommy and daddy). I have to say I was dreading an almost 11 hour road trip to Kentucky (and that's only stopping for gas - add multiple stops to change dirty diapers and you've got yourself a 12 hour trip), but Ian did GREAT! I'm sure this was largely due to the hours of Baby Einstein we watched and the Cheetohs I kept handing him. But hey, who am I to complain if he didn't even make a whimper. I'll take it. Even if he only slept an hour and forty-five minutes each way.

I have to say I think he's pretty cute :)

The kid has a fascination with putting thing up to his nose. Usually it's his tiger (which you can see in the picture), but for the trip, he preferred his toes. Funny kid.

All in all, I would say this was a very successful first road trip. Especially when you consider the longest he'd ever been in the car prior to this trip was 45 minutes to Grandma and Pops house.

Wedding Bells

It has been a busy few weeks for us in the Edgar household.

My brother Steven got himself hitched on July 30th! Here's a picture of him and his beautiful bride, Sarah.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful, the bride was gorgeous (as were the bridesmaids...especially my baby sister :)), and everyone had a great time as you can see below...

I somehow managed to leave the wedding without getting any pictures of our little family. Ian did actually make it through pre-pictures, the wedding, and post-pictures before being whisked away by Grandma and Papa. I think he enjoyed his nap and I enjoyed being able to sit down for more than two seconds :).

Congratulations Steven and Sarah!! May you have a long and happy life together. With lots of kids. Just kidding!! Love you guys!